Our solution is built around three main pillars:

Users’ data are stored in a decentralized way in their private POD.

Once verified, Users have reusable credentials to be used to access multiple platforms and websites.

All procedures are built to give Users a more secure and smoother experience.

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<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/cf44a500-eb5a-4507-91cf-6c8b0143a7a9/for_companies.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/cf44a500-eb5a-4507-91cf-6c8b0143a7a9/for_companies.png" width="40px" /> For Companies


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Once a Company integrates Togggle through one of our integration routes, onboarding and verifying new users becomes faster, more secure and more transparent.

If our system does not already verify the user, he goes through a smooth KYC process and we perform a complete verification of the information he provides. (For further information on how we perform users’ data verification you can check ‣)

On average, performing KYC for a new user through Togggle takes 2 minutes and the user doesn’t need to perform this action again.

Once Users verify their information with a Partner through Togggle, they are provided with credentials they can re-use to verify their identity in all other Partner’s platforms.

The Company asks a User to read-only access to the credentials and once he grants access, he is immediately on-boarded.

Having reusable credentials reduces the time to onboard users by 100%.

Togggle architecture allows Users to store information on their side. As a result, the risk of a data breach and companies’ liability decrease by 99%.

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